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Kafka consumer lag metrics prometheus example

Kafka consumer lag metrics prometheus example. Visit Alerting > Notification Channels page and click Add Channel. Oct 11, 2021 · The metric is depending on the consumer property max. Jun 13, 2023 · 2. confluent. When I check lag using kafka-console-consumer script it shows me correct lag figure. Decide which metric you want to monitor, click Metrics browser, and type redpanda to show available public metrics (or vectorized for internal metrics) from the Redpanda cluster. It can be Burrow, Graphana for continuous monitoring, or simply local kafka-ui Apr 30, 2019 · However, I cannot see the producer's metrics even after setting a jmx reporter in the Producer Configuration. This, internally, calculates the lag via the __consumer_offsets topic. Sep 8, 2022 · Kafka Broker(s) ZooKeeper metrics as Kafka relies on it to maintain its state; Producer(s) / Consumer(s), in general sense, which includes Kafka Connector cluster; Kafka Broker, Zookeeper and Java clients (producer/consumer) expose metrics via JMX (Java Management Extensions) and can be configured to report stats back to Prometheus using the Mar 21, 2024 · Together, Prometheus, Grafana, and Kafka-exporter provide a flexible and customizable solution for Kafka monitoring. d. We can select the particular topic from the dropdown and see the data related to this topic. For an example that showcases how to monitor Mar 29, 2021 · Monitoring Your Event Streams: Tutorial for Observability Into Apache Kafka Clients. Comprehensive cluster management and monitoring. The kafka server's name should be given. The consumer group lag metric will be exported to Prometheus by a sidecar in the pod (we will be using kafka. s. The tables in the following sections show all the metrics that are available starting at Dec 29, 2023 · In Figure 1(b), the custom metrics autoscaler operator scaled up the consumer application, and the consumer lag decreased. In 0. By default, metrics are emitted via JMX, so you could use Prometheus' JMX exporter to do the job for Feb 2, 2023 · By analyzing the output we can see that we already have most of the metrics available just by parsing the JSON. Jan 30, 2024 · Increase Fetch Size. The observability tutorial incorporates the kafka-lag-exporter metrics into its consumer client dashboard . Conclusion. kafka_consumer_records_consumed_total_records_total Apr 6, 2016 · To monitor Kafka with Datadog, you will need to edit both the Kafka and Kafka consumer Agent integration files. k. Burrow is an example of an open-source monitoring tool for Kafka. Kafka maintains a numerical offset for each record in a partition. that will give me something like: kafka_consumergroup_group_topic_sum_lag can be used to follow the offset of a consumer group. May be given client already disconnected from Kafka. 0 foo1 lag records-lag:8. bytes and fetch. Several third-party monitoring tools and UIs provide a user-friendly interface to visualize Kafka lag metrics. We can use the kafka-consumer-groups. Contribute to pceric/kafka-offset-lag-for-prometheus development by creating an account on GitHub. Documents about exposed Prometheus metrics. poll. name: kafka_consumer_fetch_records_lag. The query I have so far: Oct 14, 2019 · We also provide a new Grafana dashboard and alert rules which work with the new metrics. Save the file, exit the editor and wait for the updated resource to be reconciled. Kafka Lag Exporter is an Akka Typed application written in Scala. Another way to optimize consumers is by modifying fetch. May 7, 2019 · Introducing Kafka Lag Exporter, an OSS tool created by Lightbend's Sean Glover to make it easy to view consumer group metrics in Kafka using Kubernetes, Strimzi, Prometheus, Grafana, and other tools. Blog post: Apache Kafka Data Access Semantics: Consumers and Membership; Free course: Apache Kafka 101; Interactive diagram: Kafka Monitor Kafka easily with Grafana. answered Jan 25 at 14:38. Other than the built-in scripts, there are open-source tools to monitor Kafka lag. コンシューマーグループのリストが表示されます。. This collector supports collecting metrics from multiple instances # HELP kafka_consumer_group_exporter_collect_metrics_elapsed_time Time elaped (ms) to collect metrics from kafka cluster, usefull to adjust the schedule period # TYPE kafka_consumer_group_exporter_collect_metrics_elapsed_time gauge kafka_consumer_group_exporter_collect_metrics_elapsed_time # HELP jvm_memory_bytes_used Used bytes of a given JVM memory area. consumer:type=consumer-fetch-manager-metrics,client-id="{client-id Connect to Kafka using TLS. B. I am trying to write a query to have an alert when either of these consumer group lag increases beyond the average lag. Limited support for monitoring other Kafka metrics. I use kafka_exporter for exporting Kafka metrics. Sometimes figure shown on /prometheus endpoint are way higher than what is showin via console-consumer script. . When i checked kafka consumer , there are LAG values seen : docker run --ne Community resources. In Figure 1(c), the application is scaled down since the consumer lag decreased. Metric examples¶ Jul 1, 2022 · Almost always I see lag_max or lag metrics as either 0 or NaN. Each of the consumers' metrics are bound to this Prometheus Registry by: KafkaClientMetrics(consumer). May 5, 2023 · For example, if your publisher publishes 1 million events and the current offset of your consumer is 900,000, the consumer lag would be 100,000. 0 lag-max in Micrometer: 9. I created a Kafka topic named topic_1 and consumer group group1 that read messages from topic_1. labels: clientId: "$1". Some of the properties being seen in the Prometheus endpoint in 2. This collector is supported on all platforms. Apr 7, 2019 · 1. Along with Apache Kafka metrics, consumer-lag metrics are also available at port 11001 under the JMX MBean name kafka. Prometheus expects its own format for metrics and thus provides small applications called exporters that can translate metrics from various software. Jul 26, 2021 · Kafka overview. 1. Aug 7, 2019 · These pods (consumer pods) will scale upon a Kafka event, specifically consumer group lag. You can monitor Kafka consumer lag with Confluent Cloud using the Metrics API or the Cloud Console. With the help of a kafka-exporter, Prometheus collects metrics from Kafka, stores them in a time-series database, and Grafana displays these metrics on a dashboard. , consumer groups can be subscribed to > 1 topic, and the metrics are computed per client). Try using this query in Prometheus alerts. Consumers and producers. Another option is building custom Prometheus exporters for producer and consumer and add the exporters` endpoints to Prometheus configuration as datasources. Connect Kafka to Datadog to: Visualize the performance of your cluster in real time. yaml as. answered Jul 5, 2020 at 13:54. The visualisation tool which satisfy my requirement is Grafana. kafka-manager) that can compute lag by consuming messages from this topic and calculating lag. A docker compose with Kafka Lag Exporter + Prometheus + Grafana + a Dashboard to view the latency of your Apache Kafka consumer groups. With Kafka Topics Metrics Dashboard we can visualize the Metrics related to the topic. Prometheus with Kafka Exporter. Problems with your infrastructure – including both your network and the servers that host your Kafka cluster – could lead to consumer lag. Metrics are gathered by periodically sending HTTP requests to Kafka Consumer Lag Monitoring. Sep 26, 2018 · … partition (micrometer-metrics#878) The kafka consumer fetch manager metrics have been registered too many times and therewith also for the wrong mbeans. クラスター名を選択します。. The following two things are possible: A. ca-file. Four common reasons for consumer lag are (1) Incoming traffic surges, (2) Data skew in partitions, (3) Slow processing jobs, and (4) Errors in code and pipeline components. 6 is not visible in 2. Prometheus exporters. JVM metrics. topic: "$2". Plugin: go. May be this metric is not present on broker. This offset acts as a unique identifier of a record within that partition, and also denotes the position of the consumer in the partition. Confluent Control Center provides a UI with “most important” metrics and allows teams to quickly understand and alert on what’s going on with the clusters. It comes in two flavors May 31, 2022 · Which will render a response containing the external metrics, make sure you see your metrics whether you specified only the Kafka consumer lag or both. Oct 12, 2023 · ‍. Overview. Confluent Control Center. I produced some messages (all using Kafka cli) and the consumer group read them. wait. Start offsets metric using startOffsets, end offsets using endOffset, lead offsets using latestOffset, source. In Oct 26, 2020 · If your goal is to have the data in prometheus, you should use the records-lag metrics emitted by Consumers. Set values and save the channel. For example, the following PromQL query would return non-empty result when the current value for kafka_consumergroup_lag exceeds the value 20 minutes ago: kafka_consumergroup_lag > kafka_consumergroup_lag offset 20m. Nov 23, 2020 · Consumer lag metrics can be monitored using Amazon CloudWatch or Open Monitoring for Prometheus. Shell Expose Kafka offset lag to prometheus. Overview Monitor Kafka consumer lag metrics for efficient message queue management and performance. You can find the sample Prometheus Alerts and the Grafana dashboard on our GitHub. Kafka Lag Exporter Standalone. For example, the targets can either be passed to a discovery. Producer metrics. Requires additional components for alerting. Clients を選択し、 Consumer Lag タブを選択します。. So here lag is shown consistently as 0 when console-consumer Sep 2, 2021 · 1. In this article, we will see how quickly we can setup Grafana and Prometheus with Strimzi. handshake. I am not sure but here is how you can check: Restart your consumer application with JMX enabled. l. 3. Try out and share prebuilt visualizations. 1. consumer:type=consumer-fetch-manager-metrics,client-id=([-. config. – devshawn. 6 to 2. rules. bindTo(promRegistry) Moreover, I have experienced incosistency of the displayed metrics at the Prometheus endpoint. With the focus on client-side consumer lag metrics and understanding how they should be interpreted compared to the consumer lag numbers available on the Kafka broker(s). (See the documentation for more information on how these two integrations work together. A 360-degree of the key metrics of your Kafka cluster is curated into a single template that allows time travel between the past 60 days (by default) of key metrics and pro-actively receives alerts and notifications when your streaming platform is under pressure or signals of partial failures appear. Head back to the Kafka dashboard. Today the best source of data for Grafana Confluent Cloud インターフェイス経由のコンシューマーラグのモニタリング. Jun 24, 2020 · Try using offset modifier. Execute the following steps for each Kafka resource in your deployment. This repo demonstrates examples of JMX monitoring stacks that can monitor Confluent Cloud and Confluent Platform. If your lag is below 500 the metric will show 0. Monitoring is crucial to catch issues in production before they lead to system failures. such as Prometheus and Grafana, to monitor Jun 11, 2019 · 2019-06-11 12:13:45. Flooding the network with too much data may cause some packets to be dropped and re-transmitted, which slows the speed at which they reach consumers. Collect Kafka performance metrics via JMX Dec 19, 2022 · For the Apache Kafka Consumer metrics per se, you should inject a KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry and call its getListenerContainers() and use their metrics() to bind to the provided MeterRegistry. confluentor connect-0-internal. 8), newer versions of Kafka have special topic __consumer_offsets that stores each consumer's lag. Start Minikube. Hence, when using prometheus as a registry, for example, only the metrics registered for the wrong mbean were shown with NaN as values. Although you can see metrics such as lag from the command line tools, it does not mean that the metrics are exposed via JMX from the broker. plugin Module: prometheus. rules: - alert: excessive_consumer_group_lag. The Goal of this project: understand the client-side Kafka metrics for both consumer and producers. Metrics details Mar 4, 2021 · My question is that if I want Prometheus to scrape all the JMX metrics from Kafka; Is there any ready JMX configuration file to pass to the configmap instead of the current one. Feb 2, 2024 · Go to Grafana Web UI. All of these Kafka components have their own metrics to be monitored, which break down into the following overall groups of metrics: Kafka Broker metrics. This project is designed to run with Docker. records-lag-max: The maximum lag in terms of number of records for any partition in this window: records-lead-min: The minimum lead in terms of number of records for any partition in this window: records-per-request-avg: The average number of records in each request: kafka. Lag data is exposed as Prometheus metrics, which can then be presented in Grafana for analysis. kafka_server_BrokerTopicMetrics_BytesInPerSec_Count can be used to follow the amount of bytes produced for a topic. The prometheus/ directory contains the necessary building blocks to setup the a dockerized prometheus instance as well of using jmx_exporter to be able to pull jmx metrics out of the kafka clients and the brokers into prometheus. cert-file. Feb 18, 2024 · Network and hardware issues. 2. For this reason we will download and install a Prometheus exporter so that we can pull Kafka’s metrics. I have tried not to set the producer metrics reporter assuming it will automatically appear as the consumer metrics did (with no extra configuration there) producer configuration. Navigate to the Alert tab in the panel settings and configure your alert rules. The exported targets use the configured in-memory traffic address specified by the run command . 5. Correct, you will see consumer group lag in kafka-consumer-groups. Consumer producer Sep 6, 2021 · I have already sat up a functioning Prometheus endpoint. Burrow. . Kafka Lag Exporter is maintained by Sean Glover ( @seglo) and a community of contributors. Host/server metrics. For example, a consumer which is at position 5 has consumed records with offsets 0 through 4 and will next receive the record with offset 5. In this example, the consumer waits for a minimum of 5KB of data or 500ms before fetching. Some useful examples Apr 27, 2022 · The basic way to monitor Kafka Consumer Lag is to use the Kafka command line tools and see the lag in the console. 14. Load testing to evaluate the impact of cluster configuration changes. Jan 25, 2019 · In this page, in the Metrics tab, choose your Prometheus data source from the drop-down list. Useful tool for monitoring and troubleshooting a Kafka deployment in a few easy steps. In order to efficiently store and query, I am thinking of storing these timeseries in Prometheus. relabel component to rewrite the targets’ label sets or to a prometheus. 15. Figure 1: A standard Kafka Producer-Consumer Application architecture and how the consumer application scales up or down based on consumer lag. Aug 5, 2020 · Burrow is extremely effective and specialised in monitoring consumer lag. See demonstration of monitoring Spring boot apps here. I can manually get the lag by shelling into a broker and using the kafka-consumer-groups tool like so: unset JMX_PORT; /usr/bin/kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --group connect-<my-kafka-connect-connector> --describe. There are tools (e. Kafka is a widely used streaming platform with high availability and scalability, but it lacks robust monitoring tools by default. Revisions. First, you need to choose the type of dashboard that suits you and create it. To see examples of consumers written in various languages, see Kafka Client Examples. import (. docker-compose up -d. Dashboard templates. expr: kafka_consumergroup_lag_sum{topic="example"} > 10. Get your metrics into Prometheus quickly Lenses monitors in real-time your Streaming Data Platform and your Kafka cluster and will raise alerts for any significant metric degradation, such as consumer lag, offline or under-replicated partitions and producer SLAs. records to 1 and see if the metrics report a lag. The number of returned metrics is indicated in the Agent status output. insecure-skip-tls-verify is given. KafkaMessageListenerContainer : partitions assigned: [so56540759-0] foo0 lag records-lag:9. The high-water and low-water marks of the partitions of each topic are also exported. I have a Kafka Connect sink running. min. e. So let us quickly go through the steps required for this setup. partition: "$3". You can also use the Prometheus Node Exporter to get CPU and disk metrics for your brokers at Apr 8, 2019 · Each server acts as a leader for some of its partitions and a follower for others so the load is well balanced within the cluster. Prometheus and Grafana, on the other hand, provide a playground for creating dashboards pertaining Apr 10, 2022 · and the alerting rules are defined in alerts. This is a comprehensive dashboard showing the overall healthiness of your Kafka cluster, including how many brokers are alive in the cluster; metrics for your partitions; JVM, throughput, requests, and response queues size; Zookeeper connections; and producer and consumer metrics. Copy the example configuration in kafka-metrics. kafka_server_BrokerTopicMetrics_MessagesInPerSec_Count can be used to follow the number of messages produced for a topic. Key Takeaways. It’s important to monitor the health of your Kafka deployment to maintain reliable performance from the applications that depend on it. Specify the metrics you are interested in by editing the It can run anywhere, but it provides features to run easily on Kubernetes clusters against Strimzi Kafka clusters using the Prometheus and Grafana monitoring stack. ms to wait for larger payload batches before returning the records to the consumer. it shows the position of Kafka consumer groups, including their lag. In the following textbox enter your metric name which is librdkafka_consumer_lag (Grafana Click + in the left pane, and select Add a new panel. It might be visible in the JVM application which is running the consumer code. I want to store and query the data. Use Confluent Control Center to monitor consumer latency. handshake, you could add flag --no-sasl. Lenses integrates with Prometheus and Grafana to export For example: If you need to disable sasl. While Confluent Cloud UI and Confluent Control Center provides an opinionated view of Apache Kafka monitoring, JMX monitoring stacks serve a larger purpose to our users, allowing them to setup monitoring across multiple parts of their organization, many outside of Kafka, and to This Prometheus exporter consumes the __consumer_offsets topic of a Kafka cluster and exports the results as Prometheus gauge metrics. Aug 2, 2023 · The next level of detail available is consumer group metrics, this is found under “Kafka Consumers” -> Consumer Group -> Metrics, and then Consumer Group Topics and Clients (i. groups: - name: alerts. Excellent metric visualization and querying capabilities. Dec 31, 2020 · Join For Free. Nov 13, 2023 · I am testing kafka-lag-exporer . Brokers. You can set the monitoring level for an MSK cluster to one of the following: DEFAULT, PER_BROKER, PER_TOPIC_PER_BROKER, or PER_TOPIC_PER_PARTITION. Apr 22, 2021 · Consumer lag metrics are pulled from the kafka-lag-exporter container, a Scala open source project that collects data about consumer groups and presents them in a scrapable format. It has integrations with pagerduty so that the alerts are pushed to the necessary parties. This check has a limit of 350 metrics per instance. I setup kafka-server, zookeper, prometheus and grafana on my local machine. For information about Apache Kafka metrics, see Monitoring in the Apache Kafka documentation. Feb 5, 2024 · Note: The metrics in the Kafka Lag Partition Metrics and Kafka Lag Consumer Group Metrics feature sets are not provided by the Confluent API. To verify if you are affected by this, set the max. In this blog post we’re going to explore how to expose Apache kafka's producer and consumer metrics to Spring Boots's actuator, and then importing them into prometheus and displaying them as a Grafana dashboard. jmx_exporter is such an application, that converts JMX metrics to the Prometheus format. ) The configuration file for the Kafka integration is in the kafka. Please note that I am particularly interested in consumer group metrics (rebalance-latency-avg, rebalance-rate-per-hour, etc…). I have a Kafka topic with 3 consumer groups, these 3 consumer groups are used by 3 different services. d/ subdirectory, and the Kafka consumer integration’s configuration file is For Hello World examples of Kafka clients in various programming languages including Java, see Code Examples for Apache Kafka. oc edit kafka my-cluster. w]+) Consumer lag used to be stored in ZooKeeper (Kafka <= v0. Define conditions (e. However, it does not store the metrics for historical analysis. Use Java client metrics and the Kafka Admin API to monitor offset lag. You can do this with various monitoring tools and techniques, such as Kafka's built-in metrics reporting, third-party monitoring solutions, and custom scripts or dashboards. When you come up with something, feel free to contribute the solution back to Spring Boot. 0 max records-lag-max:9. For some metrics, data is displayed for only one of the consumers. max. Additionally, Amazon MSK has moved ten broker level and two topic level metrics into its default monitoring tier for all clusters, which allows you to monitor key cluster metrics such as bytes-in and bytes-out for free. Jan 30, 2024 · To create an alert: Create a panel with key Kafka metrics you want to monitor. 0 the dashboard we have is fairly basic. Doing this will help us keep track of kafka’s producer and consumer performance and also will help us to see the We built it to get reliable (on duty) alerts on consumer group lags, but it turned out we can use the exported prometheus metrics to build a couple more useful dashboards - which eventually helped us figuring out some nasty irregularities (lots of consumer group offset commits by single groups, only specific partitions lagging behind, producers Nov 1, 2023 · I am trying to expose the Prometheus metric that shows LAG value in each Kafka topic. Monitoring your Kafka environment is not an option description: ' One or more Zookeeper containers were restarted too often within the last 5 minutes. リストからコンシューマーグループを選択して Aug 19, 2020 · consumers lag; partition lag per topic and consumer; status of the consumers; Dashboard supports templating that provides dynamic update data according to the chosen topic/consumer group and etc Dec 28, 2019 · We upgraded Spring Boot version from 2. May 23, 2023 · To monitor Kafka metrics use Grafana dashboards. inputRowsPerSecondas the consumed rate for the source, and lag offsets, that won’t be using the metrics values as we can instead calculate the lag for each TopicPartition Apr 14, 2023 · I'm using Kafka exporter to monitor the Kafka metrics which is then queried in prometheus. Update the Kafka resource in an editor. On the Query tab, select Prometheus data source. , email, Slack) Example: # Grafana alert rule example. sh output. One can also use log exporters like Kafka Lag Exporter or Kafka Exporter along with generic monitoring tools like Prometheus or Grafana to monitor Kafka lag. Teams can monitor Kafka consumer lag with the consumer group script, Burrow (a Kafka monitoring companion), or generic monitoring tools and Dec 8, 2019 · While Prometheus has a JMX exporter that is configured to scrape and expose mBeans of a JMX target, Kafka Exporter is an open source project used to enhance monitoring of Apache Kafka brokers and clients by extracting additional metrics data from Kafka brokers related to offsets, consumer groups, consumer lag, and topics. I'd like to monitor the lag for this. This alert can be ignored when the Zookeeper cluster is scaling up ' - alert: ZookeeperContainersDown Getting Started. First, you need to configure and run the kafka_exporter, which will expose Kafka metrics via the Prometheus format. I see metrics like this. 0 lag-max in The Kafka ecosystem is based on the JVM and as such exports metrics via JMX. Specializes in monitoring Kafka consumer lag. 0 foo2 lag records-lag:7. If you are already using Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring of built-in Kafka metrics, you can configure Prometheus to also scrape the Kafka Exporter Prometheus endpoint. To stress-test the cluster based on various parameters. consumer. Visit Mavens prometheus jmx-exporter repository to get the jar file. The optional certificate authority file for Kafka TLS client authentication. Monitoring Kafka typically entails keeping track of critical metrics like message throughput, latency, broker resource utilization, and consumer lag. 0 we will release an improved Grafana dashboard which uses more of the different metrics provided by the Kafka Exporter. Use the following ENV vars to change the default options: ACTIVE_ONLY=only show consumers with an active consumer protocol (default false) KAFKA_BROKERS=comma separated list of brokers (default localhost:9092) PROMETHEUS_ADDR=address and port for Prometheus to Apr 18, 2018 · I checked these metrics, but the curves are flat, stuck at 0. The Grafana Cloud forever-free tier includes 3 users and up to 10k metrics series to support your monitoring needs. g. scrape component that collects the exposed metrics. Then choose a data source. To collect JMX metrics from your consumers and producers, follow the same steps outlined above, replacing port 9999 with the JMX port for your producer or consumer, and the node’s IP address. Prometheus is an open-source monitoring tool developed by SoundCloud. tls. I added this pattern in prom-jmx-agent. See the Use Cases section for additional information. The Kafka consumer, by default, sets up a consumer group to listen to the topic example: package main. yaml to your own Kafka resource definition. help: "Kafka Consumer Fetch Records Lag". Easily monitor your deployment of Kafka, the popular open source distributed event streaming platform, with Grafana Cloud’s out-of-the-box monitoring solution. 4. Edit a graph and go to Alert Aug 4, 2019 · I'm observing that Kafka Consumer is inconsistently not able to receive the messages when Producer trying to send it. And a bunch kafka clients (consumers, producers) I am getting 300K+ metrics/Minute in a kafka topic as timeseries. Kafka cluster metrics . Jan 27, 2022 · The Kafka-*-perf-test tools include Kafka, kafka-producer-perf-test, and kafka-consumer-perf-test that help you test Kafka performance based on following ways: To measure read/ write throughput. Consumers are far behind the producers, so messages are lost, but I expected to see the lag from "kafka_server_fetcherlagmetrics_consumerlag". The metrics data is used, for example, to help identify slow consumers. i. cluster 0. Kafka metrics can be broken down into three categories: Kafka server (broker) metrics. Jun 16, 2023 · To monitor Kafka consumer group or topic lag and fire an alert every time the lag of a topic doesn’t reduce for 30 minutes or more and only keeps on increasing, you can use a combination of kafka_exporter and Prometheus. valyala. Apr 6, 2016 · All the JMX paths for Kafka’s key metrics can be found in Part 1 of this series. Monitoring Kafka consumer lag. Consumer lag is a combination of both offset lag and consumer latency. Producer and Consumer have to expose metrics endpoints and be added to Prometheus configuration as datasources. svc. Here’s the Apache Kafka documentation for Consumer Group Metrics. Used to verify the hostname on the returned certificates unless tls. yaml. Apr 9, 2023 · Introduction. For details on the underlying metrics please see Apache Kafka. Kafka topic with lot of timeseries -> Prometheus -> Grafana The metrics that you configure for your MSK cluster are automatically collected and pushed to CloudWatch. To obtain these metrics the Kafka Lag Exporter is needed. 840 INFO 32187 --- [o56540759-0-C-1] o. server-name. group:type=ConsumerLagMetrics. Burrow is good at caliberating consumer offset and more importantly validate if the lag is malicious or not. sh script provided with Kafka and run a lag command similar to this one: The result would be the lag for the provided consumer group. Map<String, Object> configProps = new HashMap Sep 9, 2023 · Since prometheus service is in different namespace to kafka, so you need provide extra detail in their DNS names, such as connect-0-internal. Correlate the performance of Kafka with the rest of your applications. Apr 6, 2016 · A properly functioning Kafka cluster can handle a significant amount of data. records which is 500 by default. To see the actual value of the Kafka Kafka Topics Metrics. Metrics. In the last table in the Consumer Fetch Metrics section in the docs, you can see that Consumers emit lag (and lead) per topic-partition. Sep 12, 2020 · It gives developers the ability to expose metrics, statistics, and basic operations of a Java application in a standard way that Prometheus understands. , when the consumer lag is above a certain threshold) Specify notification channels (e. dg jy uf ne mq rk sb zm zo kl